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STATcubeR 0.6.0

STATcubeR 0.5.0

STATcubeR 0.4.3

  • add od_revisions() to check for updates on the OGD server
  • add od_catalogue() to combine multiple jsons metadata files into a single catalogue table

STATcubeR 0.4.2

STATcubeR 0.4.1

STATcubeR 0.4.0

  • Documentation updates
  • Document and export caching of API responses (#23)
  • Update URLs for the API release (#29)
  • Add support for multiple API servers (#25)
  • Automatically add totals to OGD datasets (#28)
  • Use rappdirs::user_cache_dir() to determine the default value for caching.
  • Set up continuous integration via github actions

STATcubeR 0.3.0

  • Allow recodes of sc_data objects (#17)
  • Better parsing of time variables (#15, #16)
  • Use bootstrap 5 and pkgdown 2.0.0 for the website
  • Allow export and import of open data using tar archves (#20)

STATcubeR 0.2.4

STATcubeR 0.2.3

Almost all changes between 0.2.2 and 0.2.3 are included in #13

Documentation updates

  • refactor all pkgdown articles including old articles about the REST API
  • modify readme to showcase OGD, API and the base class
  • update reference documentation and reference index

STATcubeR 0.2.2

This version finalizes #11

  • Common base class for OGD data and data from the REST API
  • Improved print methods with tibble
  • Direct documentation of certain R6 classes with roxygen2
  • remove unnecessary exports

STATcubeR 0.2.1

  • remove dependency to openssl
  • avoid EOL warnings when reading JSON requests
  • start using
  • reorganize and put open data there front and center

Open Data

STATcubeR now contains functions to access open government data from

STATcubeR 0.2.0

  • Update contents for sc_example()
  • Use Date instead of POSIXct for time variables
  • Cache $meta and $field in memory for class sc_table
  • Add caching

STATcubeR 0.1.1

  • Improve sc_example()
  • Add sc_examples_list() to get all available examples
  • add $browse() and $edit()
  • add language parameter to sc_schema()
  • pkgdown article for custom tables (#6)
  • update and harmonize naming of functions and parameters