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Send requests against the /table endpoint of the STATcube REST API. The requests can use three formats with corresponding functions

  • sc_table() uses a json file downloaded via the STATcube GUI

  • sc_table_custom() uses the ids of a database, measures and fields

  • sc_table_saved() uses a table uri of a saved table.

Those three functions all return an object of class "sc_table".


sc_table(json, language = NULL, add_totals = TRUE, key = NULL, json_file = NA)



sc_table_saved_list(key = NULL, server = "ext")

sc_table_saved(table_uri, language = NULL, key = NULL, server = "ext")



Path to a json file, which was downloaded via the STATcube GUI ("Open Data API Request"). Alternatively, a json string which passes jsonlite::validate().


The language to be used for labeling. "en" (the default) will use english. "de" uses German. The third option "both" will import both languages by sending two requests to the /table endpoint.


Should totals be added for each classification field in the json request?


(string) An API key. To display your key, call sc_browse_preferences().


Deprecated. Use json instead


The name of an example json file.


A STATcube API server. Defaults to the external Server via "ext". Other options are "red" for the editing server and "prod" for the production server. External users should always use the default option "ext".


Identifier of a saved table as returned by sc_table_saved_list()


An object of class sc_table which contains the return value of the httr::POST() request in obj$response. The object also provides member functions to parse this response object. See sc_table_class for the class documentation.


my_table <- sc_table(json = sc_example("population_timeseries.json"))

# print
#> Population at the beginning of the quarter since 2002
#> Database: debevstand (STATcube)
#> Measures: Number of persons
#> Fields: Quarter <90>, Age in single years <96> <7>, Sex <2> <3>,
#>   Commune <2383> (Province-District) <10>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 09:52:48]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0

# get matadata for the table
#> $source
#> # STATcubeR metadata: 1 x 6
#>   code       label                                               lang 
#>   <chr>      <chr>                                               <chr>
#> 1 debevstand Population at the beginning of the quarter since 2… en   
#> # … with 3 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'scr_version'
#> $measures
#> # STATcubeR metadata: 1 x 8
#>   code     label               NAs
#>   <chr>    <chr>             <int>
#> 1 F-ISIS-1 Number of persons     0
#> # … with 5 more columns: 'fun', 'precision', 'annotations', 'label_de', 'label_en'
#> $fields
#> # STATcubeR metadata: 4 x 7
#>   code       label                             total_code nitems type 
#>   <chr>      <chr>                             <chr>       <int> <chr>
#> 1 C-A10-0    Quarter                           SC_TOTAL       90 Time…
#> 2 C-BESC51-0 Age in single years <96>          SC_TOTAL        7 Cate…
#> 3 C-BESC11-0 Sex <2>                           SC_TOTAL        3 Cate…
#> 4 C-C41-2    Commune <2383> (Province-Distric… SC_TOTAL       10 Cate…
#> # … with 2 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en'

# get a data.frame
#> # A STATcubeR tibble: 18,900 x 5
#>    Quarter    Age in single years <…¹ `Sex <2>` Commune <2383> (Prov…²
#>    <date>     <fct>                   <fct>     <fct>                 
#>  1 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Burgenland <AT11>     
#>  2 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Carinthia <AT21>      
#>  3 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Vienna <AT13>         
#>  4 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Vorarlberg <AT34>     
#>  5 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Tyrol <AT33>          
#>  6 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Styria <AT22>         
#>  7 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Salzburg <AT32>       
#>  8 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Upper Austria <AT31>  
#>  9 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Lower Austria <AT12>  
#> 10 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old      male      Total                 
#> # ℹ 18,890 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​`Age in single years <96>`,
#> #   ²​`Commune <2383> (Province-District)`
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: `Number of persons` <dbl>

# get metadata for field 2
#> # STATcubeR metadata: 7 x 7
#>   code     label              parsed            
#>   <chr>    <chr>              <chr>             
#> 1 BESN07-1 Up to 14 years old Up to 14 years old
#> 2 BESN07-2 15 to 29 years old 15 to 29 years old
#> 3 BESN07-3 30 to 44 years old 30 to 44 years old
#> 4 BESN07-4 45 to 59 years old 45 to 59 years old
#> 5 BESN07-5 60 to 74 years old 60 to 74 years old
#> 6 BESN07-6 75 plus years old  75 plus years old 
#> 7 SC_TOTAL Total              Total             
#> # … with 4 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'visible', 'order'

# get the ids and labels of all saved tables
(saved_tables <- sc_table_saved_list())
#> # A data frame: 2 × 2
#>   label              id                                            
#>   <chr>              <chr>                                         
#> 1 meineErsteTabelle  str:table:16f39429-8a1b-4593-a129-d5c646368f0f
#> 2 meineZweiteTabelle str:table:e4e1b473-32c4-42b4-a67d-18169af557cc
table_uri <- saved_tables$id[1]

# get a table based on one of these ids
my_response <- sc_table_saved(table_uri)
#> # A STATcubeR tibble: 9 x 4
#>   `Fruit variety` `Commune [partly ABO]` `Number of holdings`
#>   <fct>           <fct>                                 <dbl>
#> 1 Apples          Burgenland <AT11>                       111
#> 2 Apples          Carinthia <AT21>                         31
#> 3 Apples          Lower Austria <AT12>                    439
#> 4 Apples          Upper Austria <AT31>                    108
#> 5 Apples          Salzburg <AT32>                           2
#> 6 Apples          Styria <AT22>                          1116
#> 7 Apples          Tyrol <AT33>                             88
#> 8 Apples          Vorarlberg <AT34>                        31
#> 9 Apples          Vienna <AT13>                             6
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: `Area in ha` <dbl>