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##  Key could be verified via a test request
##  The provided key will be available for this R session
##  Add `STATCUBE_KEY_EXT = XXXX` to "~/.Renviron" to set the key
##   persistently. Replace `XXXX` with your key

In the following example, a table will be exported from STATcube into an R session. This process involves four steps

  • create a table with the STATcube GUI (table view)
  • download an “API request” for the table (format: *.json).
  • send the json file to the API using sc_table().
  • convert the return value into a data.frame

It is assumed that you already provided your API key as described in the API key article.

Create a table with the STATcube GUI

Use the graphical user interface of STATcube to create a table. Visit STATcube and select a database. This will open the table view where you can create a table. See the STATcube documentation for details.

Download an API request

Choose “Open Data API Query (.json)” in the download options. This will save a json file on your local file system.

It might be the case that this download option is not listed as a download format. This means that the current user is not permitted to use the API.

Send the json to the API

Provide the path to the downloaded json file as a string in sc_table().

my_table <- sc_table(json = "path/to/api_request.json")

This will send the json-request to the /table endpoint of the API and return an object of class sc_table. We will demonstrate this with an example json via sc_example().

(json_path <- sc_example("population_timeseries.json"))
## [1] "~/R/3.6/STATcubeR/json_examples/population_timeseries.json"
my_table <- sc_table(json_path)

Printing the object my_table will summarize the data contained in the response.

#> Population at the beginning of the quarter since 2002
#> Database: debevstand (STATcube)
#> Measures: Number of persons
#> Fields: Quarter <90>, Age in single years <96> <7>, Sex <2> <3>, Commune
#>   <2383> (Province-District) <10>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 09:59:33]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0

Convert the response into a data frame

The return value of sc_table() can be converted into a data.frame with
# A STATcubeR tibble: 18,900 x 5
   Quarter    `Age in single years <96>` `Sex <2>` Commune <2383> (Province-Di…¹
   <date>     <fct>                      <fct>     <fct>                        
 1 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Burgenland <AT11>            
 2 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Carinthia <AT21>             
 3 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Vienna <AT13>                
 4 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Vorarlberg <AT34>            
 5 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Tyrol <AT33>                 
 6 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Styria <AT22>                
 7 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Salzburg <AT32>              
 8 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Upper Austria <AT31>         
 9 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Lower Austria <AT12>         
10 2002-01-01 Up to 14 years old         male      Total                        
# ℹ 18,890 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Commune <2383> (Province-District)`
# ℹ 1 more variable: `Number of persons` <dbl>

This will produce a data.frame, which contains a column for each classification field of the table. Furthermore, one column will be present for each measure. In other words, the data uses a long format. If you prefer to use codes rather than labels, use my_table$data instead.

# A STATcubeR tibble: 18,900 x 5
   `C-A10-0` `C-BESC51-0` `C-BESC11-0` `C-C41-2` `F-ISIS-1`
   <fct>     <fct>        <fct>        <fct>          <dbl>
 1 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-1          21287
 2 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-2          47230
 3 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-9         117920
 4 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-8          34798
 5 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-7          62794
 6 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-6          97538
 7 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-5          46955
 8 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-4         127316
 9 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            B00-3         133928
10 A10-20021 BESN07-1     1            SC_TOTAL      689766
# ℹ 18,890 more rows

Example datasets

This article used a dataset about the Austrian population via sc_example(). STATcubeR contains more example jsons to get started. The datasets can be listed with sc_examples_list().

sc_example("accomodation.json") %>% sc_table()
sc_example("economic_atlas.json") %>% sc_table()
sc_example("foreign_trade.json") %>% sc_table()
sc_example("gross_regional_product.json") %>% sc_table()
sc_example("labor_force_survey.json") %>% sc_table()

{r, eval = FALSE sc_example("agriculture_prices.json") %>% sc_table()

sc_example("economic_trend_monitor.json") %>% sc_table()

Choosing the Language

The language which is used for labeling can be changed via the language parameter of sc_table().

sc_example("accomodation.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> Nächtigungsstatistik ab 2000 nach Regionen und Saison
#> Database: detouextregsai (STATcube)
#> Measures: Übernachtungen, Ankünfte
#> Fields: Saison/Tourismusmonat <300>, Herkunftsland <4>, Beherbergungsbetrieb
#>   <4>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 09:59:54]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
sc_example("economic_atlas.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> 02 Eckdaten Bundesländer
#> Database: dewatlas2 (STATcube)
#> Measures: Arbeitslosenquote - ILO, Erwerbstätigenquote (15-64 J.) - ILO,
#>   Nächtigungen, Durchschnittliche Aufenthaltsdauer in Tagen,
#>   Privathaushalte, Fläche (km²), Wohnbevölkerung im Jahresdurchschnitt,
#>   Forschungsquote (in % des BIP), Erwerbstätige - ILO, Arbeitslose - ILO, …
#>   (38 more)
#> Fields: Jahr (ab 1995) <27>, Bundesland <11>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 10:00:01]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
sc_example("foreign_trade.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> Außenhandel nach Gütern (CPA) und Wirtschaftszweig (NACE)
#> Database: denatec06 (STATcube)
#> Measures: Import; Anzahl der Unternehmen, Import, Wert in Euro, Export;
#>   Anzahl der Unternehmen, Export, Wert in Euro
#> Fields: Güter (CPA) <4>, Berichtsjahr <16>, Wirtschaftszweig (NACE) [teilw.
#>   ABO] <4>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 10:00:10]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
sc_example("gross_regional_product.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> Bruttoregionalprodukt nach ESVG 1995, NUTS2+NUTS3 - abgeschlossene
#> Zeitreihe
#> Database: devgrrgr004 (STATcube)
#> Measures: Bruttoregionalprodukt nominell in Mio.Euro, Bruttoregionalprodukt
#>   je Einwohner, Bruttoregionalprodukt je Erwerbstätigem
#> Fields: NUTS-3 <11>, Zeit <13>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 10:00:15]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
sc_example("labor_force_survey.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> Mikrozensus-Arbeitskräfteerhebung Arbeitsstunden
#> Database: deake005 (STATcube)
#> Measures: Durchschn. tatsächlich geleistete Arbeitsstunden pro Woche,
#>   Durchschn. Normalarbeitsstunden pro Woche
#> Fields: Zeit <10>, Geschlecht <3>, Höchste abgeschlossene Schulbildung -
#>   nationale Gliederung <6>, Bundesland (NUTS 2-Einheit) <10>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 10:00:28]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
sc_example("agriculture_prices.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> LGR01_Landwirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung zu laufenden Preisen in
#> Millionen Euro
#> Database: delgr001 (STATcube)
#> Measures: Werte (für Positionen der Produktion sowie Wertschöpfung: Werte zu
#>   Herstellungspreisen), Gütersteuern (für Positionen der Produktion), Werte
#>   zu Erzeugerpreisen (für Positionen der Produktion), Gütersubventionen (für
#>   Positionen der Produktion)
#> Fields: Jahr <30>, Position <6>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 10:00:35]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
sc_example("economic_trend_monitor.json") %>% sc_table("de")
#> Konjunkturmonitor
#> Database: dekonjunkturmonitor (STATcube)
#> Measures: Produktionsindex Industrie (at; 2021=100), Technische
#>   Gesamtproduktion Industrie in Tsd. € (KJE), Umsatzindex Industrie
#>   (2021=100), Umsatz Industrie inTsd.€ (KJE), Auftragseingangsindex
#>   Industrie (2021=100), Beschäftigtenindex Industrie (2021=100),
#>   Beschäftigte Industrie gesamt (KJE), Produktivitätsindex Industrie je
#>   unselbständig Beschäftigtem (2021=100), Produktivitätsindex Industrie je
#>   geleisteter Arbeitsstunde (2021=100), Erzeugerpreisindex für den
#>   Produzierenden Bereich (2021=100; NACE B-E), … (53 more)
#> Fields: Berichtszeitraum <191>, Wertangabe <2>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 10:00:41]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0

Further reading