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The class sc_data defines a common interface for open data datasets and responses from the /table endpoint of the STATcube REST API. It defines methods that are applicable to both datasources like acquiring metadata, labeling the data and aggregating results.

Constructing sc_data objects

The sc_data class itself is not exported in STATcubeR. Therefore, objects of the class should be created with one of the following functions

To illustrate, we will use one of the OGD datasets to showcase the functionality of this class. Notice however, that objects created with sc_table() can be used interchangeably.

x <- od_table("OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1")


The data from the table can be extracted using the active binding $data. Notice how OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1 only includes codes and possibly some totals. The data is always provided in a long format with one column for each field and one column for each measure.

# A STATcubeR tibble: 49,190 x 5
* <fct>               <fct>      <fct>            <fct>                  <int>
1 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C00   BERJ-1983  BUNDESLAND-1     GESCHLECHT-1               2
2 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C00   BERJ-1983  BUNDESLAND-2     GESCHLECHT-1               8
3 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C00   BERJ-1983  BUNDESLAND-2     GESCHLECHT-2               2
4 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C00   BERJ-1983  BUNDESLAND-3     GESCHLECHT-1               6
5 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C00   BERJ-1983  BUNDESLAND-3     GESCHLECHT-2               2
# ℹ 49,185 more rows

It will be explained how labeled data can be obtained in the Tabulation section.


Metadata for a sc_data object includes labels and other information that is relevant to correctly parse the raw data. The active binding $meta contains at least the entries $source, $measures and $fields.


The source field contains information about the data source. The most important entries are code and label.

# STATcubeR metadata: 1 x 7
  code                  label                                              lang 
  <chr>                 <chr>                                              <chr>
1 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1 Cancer statistics by reporting year, province of … en   
# … with 4 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'requested', 'scr_version'

On the bottom, we see that additional information about the source is available, namely label_en, label_de, etc. These additional metadata entries might not be available for sc_table objects.


This part of the metadata is a data.frame with one row for each measure. It contains codes and labels as well as the number of NAs found in $data for that particular column.

# STATcubeR metadata: 1 x 7
  code  label                     NAs
  <chr> <chr>                   <int>
1 F-KRE Number of records F-KRE     0
# … with 4 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'de_desc', 'en_desc'


The fields entry summarizes all classification fields i.e. categorical variables. It includes the codes and labels as well as the total code registered for the particular field.

# STATcubeR metadata: 4 x 9
  code               label                   total_code nitems type       
  <chr>              <chr>                   <chr>       <int> <chr>      
1 C-TUM_ICD10_3ST-0  Tumore ICD/10 3-Steller NA             98 Category   
2 C-BERJ-0           Reporting year          NA             40 Time (year)
3 C-BUNDESLAND-0     Province of residence   NA              9 Category   
4 C-KRE_GESCHLECHT-0 Sex                     NA              2 Category   
# … with 4 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'de_desc', 'en_desc'

Field information

To get more info about specific fields, use the $field() method. This will return all classification elements as a data.frame.

# STATcubeR metadata: 98 x 10
  code              label                                                       
  <chr>             <chr>                                                       
1 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C00 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der Lippe                        
2 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C01 <C01> Bösartige Neubildung des Zungengrundes                
3 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C02 <C02> Bösartige Neubildung sonstiger und nicht näher bezeic…
4 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C03 <C03> Bösartige Neubildung des Zahnfleisches                
5 TUM_ICD10_3ST-C04 <C04> Bösartige Neubildung des Mundbodens                   
# ℹ 93 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: parsed <chr>
# … with 7 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'parent', 'de_desc', 'en_desc', 'visible', 'order'
x$field("Reporting year")
# STATcubeR metadata: 40 x 10
  code      label parsed    
  <chr>     <chr> <date>    
1 BERJ-1983 1983  1983-01-01
2 BERJ-1984 1984  1984-01-01
3 BERJ-1985 1985  1985-01-01
4 BERJ-1986 1986  1986-01-01
5 BERJ-1987 1987  1987-01-01
# ℹ 35 more rows
# … with 7 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'parent', 'de_desc', 'en_desc', 'visible', 'order'
# STATcubeR metadata: 9 x 10
  code         label           parsed         
  <chr>        <chr>           <chr>          
1 BUNDESLAND-1 "Burgenland "   "Burgenland "  
2 BUNDESLAND-2 "Carinthia"     "Carinthia"    
3 BUNDESLAND-3 "Lower Austria" "Lower Austria"
4 BUNDESLAND-4 "Upper Austria" "Upper Austria"
5 BUNDESLAND-5 "Salzburg"      "Salzburg"     
6 BUNDESLAND-6 "Styria"        "Styria"       
7 BUNDESLAND-7 "Tyrol"         "Tyrol"        
8 BUNDESLAND-8 "Vorarlberg"    "Vorarlberg"   
9 BUNDESLAND-9 "Vienna"        "Vienna"       
# … with 7 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'parent', 'de_desc', 'en_desc', 'visible', 'order'
# STATcubeR metadata: 2 x 10
  code         label  parsed
  <chr>        <chr>  <chr> 
1 GESCHLECHT-1 male   male  
2 GESCHLECHT-2 female female
# … with 7 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'parent', 'de_desc', 'en_desc', 'visible', 'order'


The method $tabulate() can be used to turn sc_table objects into tidy data.frames. See the tabulation article for more defaults.

# A STATcubeR tibble: 49,190 x 5
  `Tumore ICD/10 3-Steller`       `Reporting year` Province of residenc…¹ Sex   
* <fct>                           <date>           <fct>                  <fct> 
1 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Burgenland "          male  
2 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Carinthia"            male  
3 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Carinthia"            female
4 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Lower Austria"        male  
5 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Lower Austria"        female
# ℹ 49,185 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Province of residence`
# ℹ 1 more variable: `Number of records F-KRE` <int>