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This article contains the most important aspects of the method $tabulate(). This method aggregates sc_data objects. The first part will use the cancer dataset from the OGD article. After that, other features of $tabulate() will be demonstrated with the data from the structure of earnings survey (SES).

cancer   <- od_table("OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1")
earnings <- od_table("OGD_veste309_Veste309_1")

Notice that these tabulation methods can also be used with the STATcube REST API. This means that objects created by sc_table() also have a $tabulate() method.

Tabulating Data

Calling the $tabulate() method with no arguments produces a table with the same dimensions as $data.

# A STATcubeR tibble: 49,190 x 5
  `Tumore ICD/10 3-Steller`       `Reporting year` Province of residenc…¹ Sex   
* <fct>                           <date>           <fct>                  <fct> 
1 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Burgenland "          male  
2 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Carinthia"            male  
3 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Carinthia"            female
4 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Lower Austria"        male  
5 <C00> Bösartige Neubildung der… 1983-01-01       "Lower Austria"        female
# ℹ 49,185 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Province of residence`
# ℹ 1 more variable: `Number of records F-KRE` <int>
identical(dim(cancer$tabulate()), dim(cancer$data))
#> [1] TRUE

Instead of cancer$tabulate(...) it is also possible to use sc_tabulate(cancer, ...). All available parameters for the $tabulate() method are documented in ?sc_tabulate.


Aggregating with sums

To get the number of cases by reporting year and sex, use the labels of those variables as arguments.

cancer$tabulate("Reporting year", "Sex")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 80 x 3
  `Reporting year` Sex    `Number of records F-KRE`
* <date>           <fct>                      <int>
1 1983-01-01       male                       13626
2 1983-01-01       female                     16702
3 1984-01-01       male                       13996
4 1984-01-01       female                     16620
5 1985-01-01       male                       13658
# ℹ 75 more rows

If more than one measure is included in the dataset, all measures will be aggregated. STATcubeR uses rowsum() to ensure a good performance with big datasets. It is also possible to use partial matching or use codes.

cancer$tabulate("Reporting", "C-KRE")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 80 x 3
  `Reporting year` Sex    `Number of records F-KRE`
* <date>           <fct>                      <int>
1 1983-01-01       male                       13626
2 1983-01-01       female                     16702
3 1984-01-01       male                       13996
4 1984-01-01       female                     16620
5 1985-01-01       male                       13658
# ℹ 75 more rows

STATcubeR will use pmatch() to match the supplied strings with the metadata to identify the variables that should be used for aggregation.

Limitations of sums

In some cases, datasets cannot be aggregated using the rowsum() approach. As an example, take the structure of earnings survey.

earnings <- od_table("OGD_veste309_Veste309_1")
#> Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) 2018 Gross hourly earnings in EUR
#> by citizenship, region (NUTS 2) and form of employment
#> Dataset: OGD_veste309_Veste309_1 (
#> Measures: Arithmetic mean, 1st quartile, 2nd quartile (median), 3rd
#>   quartile, Number of employees
#> Fields: Sex <3>, Citizenship <9>, Region (NUTS2) <10>, Form of employment
#>   <7>
#> Request: [2024-04-18 10:07:43.689773]
#> STATcubeR: 0.5.0

As we can see from the print() output, the measures contain means and quartiles. Therefore, aggregating the data via rowsum() is not meaningful. However, this dataset contains a “total code” for every field.

# A STATcubeR tibble: 72 x 9
   Sex       Citizenship `Region (NUTS2)`   `Form of employment`                
 * <fct>     <fct>       <fct>              <fct>                               
 1 Sum total Total       Total              "Total"                             
 2 Sum total Total       Total              "Standard employment "              
 3 Sum total Total       Total              "Non-standard employment (total)"   
 4 Sum total Total       Total              "Non-standard employment: part-time…
 5 Sum total Total       Total              "Non-standard employment: fixed-ter…
 6 Sum total Total       Total              "Non-standard employment: marginal …
 7 Sum total Total       Total              "Non-standard employment: temporary…
 8 Sum total Total       AT11 Burgenland    "Total"                             
 9 Sum total Total       AT12 Lower Austria "Total"                             
10 Sum total Total       AT13 Vienna        "Total"                             
# ℹ 62 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: `Arithmetic mean` <dbl>, `1st quartile` <dbl>,
#   `2nd quartile (median)` <dbl>, `3rd quartile` <dbl>,
#   `Number of employees` <dbl>

Aggregating via total codes

These total codes can be used to aggregate the data with $tabulate(). In order to do that, the total codes need to be specified using $total_codes().

earnings$total_codes(Sex = "Sum total", Citizenship = "Total",
                     Region = "Total", `Form of employment` = "Total")

Now $tabulate() will use these total codes to form aggregates of the data.

earnings$tabulate("Form of employment")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 6 x 6
  `Form of employment`                          `Arithmetic mean` `1st quartile`
* <fct>                                                     <dbl>          <dbl>
1 "Standard employment "                                     19.0           12.8
2 "Non-standard employment (total)"                          15.2           10.2
3 "Non-standard employment: part-time only"                  15.9           10.7
4 "Non-standard employment: fixed-term employm…              16.8           10.2
5 "Non-standard employment: marginal part-time…              12              9  
6 "Non-standard employment: temporary agency w…              14.0           11.5
# ℹ 3 more variables: `2nd quartile (median)` <dbl>, `3rd quartile` <dbl>,
#   `Number of employees` <dbl>

As we can see, the method extracted rows 2 to 7 from the data. The logic for selecting those rows is equivalent to the following dplyr expression.

earnings$data %>% dplyr::filter(Sex == "Sum total" & Citizenship == "Total" &
  `Region (NUTS2)` == "Total" & `Form of employment` != "Total") %>%
  dplyr::select(-Sex, -Citizenship, -`Region (NUTS2)`)

The $tabulate() method also works with more than one variable.

earnings$tabulate("Sex", "Form of employment")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 12 x 7
   Sex    `Form of employment`                  `Arithmetic mean` `1st quartile`
 * <fct>  <fct>                                             <dbl>          <dbl>
 1 Male   "Standard employment "                             20.0          13.5 
 2 Male   "Non-standard employment (total)"                  16.5          10.5 
 3 Male   "Non-standard employment: part-time …              18.8          11.1 
 4 Male   "Non-standard employment: fixed-term…              18.3          10.9 
 5 Male   "Non-standard employment: marginal p…              12.6           9   
 6 Male   "Non-standard employment: temporary …              14.4          12   
 7 Female "Standard employment "                             16.3          11.1 
 8 Female "Non-standard employment (total)"                  14.6          10.0 
 9 Female "Non-standard employment: part-time …              15.2          10.6 
10 Female "Non-standard employment: fixed-term…              15.2           9.68
11 Female "Non-standard employment: marginal p…              11.6           9.02
12 Female "Non-standard employment: temporary …              13.0          10.4 
# ℹ 3 more variables: `2nd quartile (median)` <dbl>, `3rd quartile` <dbl>,
#   `Number of employees` <dbl>
earnings$tabulate("Sex", "Citizenship")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 16 x 7
   Sex    Citizenship                           `Arithmetic mean` `1st quartile`
 * <fct>  <fct>                                             <dbl>          <dbl>
 1 Male   "Austrian"                                         20.4          13.8 
 2 Male   "Non-Austrian "                                    15.3          10.6 
 3 Male   "EU-28/EWR/Switzerland (without Aust…              16.0          10.9 
 4 Male   "EU-15/EWR before 2004/Switzerland"                21.2          12.6 
 5 Male   "EU-13 EU Member States after 2004"                13.6          10.3 
 6 Male   "Former Yugoslavia (without Slovenia…              14.1          11.2 
 7 Male   "Turkey"                                           13.3          10.4 
 8 Male   "Other"                                            14.0           9.07
 9 Female "Austrian"                                         15.9          11.1 
10 Female "Non-Austrian "                                    13.0           9.19
11 Female "EU-28/EWR/Switzerland (without Aust…              13.7           9.38
12 Female "EU-15/EWR before 2004/Switzerland"                17.1          11.0 
# ℹ 4 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: `2nd quartile (median)` <dbl>, `3rd quartile` <dbl>,
#   `Number of employees` <dbl>
earnings$tabulate("Sex", "Region")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 18 x 7
   Sex    `Region (NUTS2)`   `Arithmetic mean` `1st quartile`
 * <fct>  <fct>                          <dbl>          <dbl>
 1 Male   AT11 Burgenland                 16.6           11.6
 2 Male   AT12 Lower Austria              17.8           12.3
 3 Male   AT13 Vienna                     20.9           12.2
 4 Male   AT21 Carinthia                  18.3           12.6
 5 Male   AT22 Styria                     18.4           12.8
 6 Male   AT31 Upper Austria              19.7           13.7
 7 Male   AT32 Salzburg                   19.2           12.7
 8 Male   AT33 Tyrol                      18.6           12.8
 9 Male   AT34 Vorarlberg                 20.4           14.5
10 Female AT11 Burgenland                 14.5           10.2
11 Female AT12 Lower Austria              14.2           10  
12 Female AT13 Vienna                     17.1           10.6
# ℹ 6 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: `2nd quartile (median)` <dbl>, `3rd quartile` <dbl>,
#   `Number of employees` <dbl>
earnings$tabulate("Citizenship", "Region")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 0 x 7
# ℹ 7 variables: Citizenship <fct>, Region (NUTS2) <fct>,
#   Arithmetic mean <dbl>, 1st quartile <dbl>, 2nd quartile (median) <dbl>,
#   3rd quartile <dbl>, Number of employees <dbl>

We get an empty table because this cross tabulation is not included in the OGD dataset. The same will happen for Citizenship & Form of employment as well as Region & Form of employment.

earnings$tabulate("Citizenship", "Form of employment") %>% dim()
#> [1] 0 7
earnings$tabulate("Region", "Form of employment") %>% dim()
#> [1] 0 7

Totals and the REST API

By default, STATcubeR will always add totals for datasets from the REST API and use those totals to aggregate the datasets.

x <- sc_table(sc_example("accomodation"))
# STATcubeR metadata: 3 x 7
  code          label                      total_code nitems type        
  <chr>         <chr>                      <chr>       <int> <chr>       
1 C-SDB_TIT-0   Season/Tourism Month       SC_TOTAL      293 Time (month)
2 C-C93SUM-0    Country of origin          SC_TOTAL        4 Category    
3 C-BBTR_REG2-0 Accomodation establishment SC_TOTAL        4 Category    
# … with 2 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en'

Including totals in the oputput

It is not necessary that all fields have totals. For example, suppose we want to include the totals for Sex in the output table. We can just remove the toal code before running sc_tabulate(). The special symbol NA can be used to unset a total code.

earnings$total_codes(Sex = NA)
# A STATcubeR tibble: 3 x 6
  Sex       `Arithmetic mean` `1st quartile` `2nd quartile (median)`
* <fct>                 <dbl>          <dbl>                   <dbl>
1 Sum total              17.6           11.6                    15.1
2 Male                   19.2           12.8                    16.3
3 Female                 15.3           10.4                    13.4
# ℹ 2 more variables: `3rd quartile` <dbl>, `Number of employees` <dbl>

German Labels and Codes

It is possible to switch the language used for labeling the data. This can be done by setting $language to "de" or "en".

earnings$language <- "de"
# A STATcubeR tibble: 3 x 6
  Geschlecht `Arithmetisches Mittel` `1. Quartil` `2. Quartil (Median)`
* <fct>                        <dbl>        <dbl>                 <dbl>
1 insgesamt                     17.6         11.6                  15.1
2 männlich                      19.2         12.8                  16.3
3 weiblich                      15.3         10.4                  13.4
# ℹ 2 more variables: `3. Quartil` <dbl>, `Zahl d unselbst Beschäftigten` <dbl>

To skip labelling altogether and use variable codes in the output, use raw=TRUE.

earnings$tabulate("Geschlecht", raw = TRUE)
# A STATcubeR tibble: 3 x 6
  `C-A11-0` `F-VESTE_AM` `F-VESTE_Q25` `F-VESTE_Q50` `F-VESTE_Q75` `F-VESTE_UB`
* <fct>            <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
1 A11-1             17.6          11.6          15.1          20.1      2650938
2 A11-2             19.2          12.8          16.3          22.0      1544588
3 A11-3             15.3          10.4          13.4          17.6      1106350

Switching languages is always available for od_table() objects. For sc_table(), it depends on whcih languages were requested.

# default: get labels in german and english
x <- sc_table(sc_example("accomodation"))
# only get english labels
x <- sc_table(sc_example("accomodation"), lang = "en")
# only get german labels
x <- sc_table(sc_example("accomodation"), lang = "de")

Subsetting columns

In the previous examples, we only supplied names and/or codes of fields to sc_tabulate(). It is also possible to include measures in which case the unlisted measures will be omitted.

earnings$tabulate("Geschlecht", "Arithmetisches Mittel", "2. Quartil")
# A STATcubeR tibble: 3 x 3
  Geschlecht `Arithmetisches Mittel` `2. Quartil (Median)`
* <fct>                        <dbl>                 <dbl>
1 insgesamt                     17.6                  15.1
2 männlich                      19.2                  16.3
3 weiblich                      15.3                  13.4

Just like for fields, measures also support partial matching and codes. In the above example, "2. Quartil" was matched to "2. Quartil (Median)".

Programmatic usage

Notice that we used the german label for the column "Sex" in the last calls to tabulate(). This is necessary because only the “active” labels are available to define the tabulation. If you want to use STATcubeR programatically, always use codes to define the tabulation and also use the .list parameter if you want to pass several codes.

# STATcubeR metadata: 3 x 8
  code  label     parsed   
  <chr> <chr>     <chr>    
1 A11-1 insgesamt insgesamt
2 A11-2 männlich  männlich 
3 A11-3 weiblich  weiblich 
# … with 5 more columns: 'label_de', 'label_en', 'parent', 'visible', 'order'
earnings$total_codes(`C-A11-0` = "A11-1")
vars_to_tabulate <- c("C-A11-0", "C-BESCHV-0")
earnings$tabulate(.list = vars_to_tabulate)
# A STATcubeR tibble: 12 x 7
  Geschlecht Form des Beschäftigungsverhäl…¹ Arithmetisches Mitte…² `1. Quartil`
* <fct>      <fct>                                            <dbl>        <dbl>
1 männlich   "Normalarbeitsverhältnis"                         20.0         13.5
2 männlich   "Atypische Beschäftigung (insg…                   16.5         10.5
3 männlich   "Atypisch: ausschließlich Teil…                   18.8         11.1
4 männlich   "Atypisch: befristete Beschäft…                   18.3         10.9
5 männlich   "Atypisch: geringfügige Beschä…                   12.6          9  
6 männlich   "Atypisch: Leih- und Zeitarbei…                   14.4         12  
7 weiblich   "Normalarbeitsverhältnis"                         16.3         11.1
# ℹ 5 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​`Form des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses`,
#   ²​`Arithmetisches Mittel`
# ℹ 3 more variables: `2. Quartil (Median)` <dbl>, `3. Quartil` <dbl>,
#   `Zahl d unselbst Beschäftigten` <dbl>

$total_codes() currently uses an ellipsis (...) parameter to define total codes. In the future, programmatic updates of sc_data objects should be defined in $recodes. See #17.