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##  Key could be verified via a test request
##  The provided key will be available for this R session
##  Add `STATCUBE_KEY_EXT = XXXX` to "~/.Renviron" to set the key
##   persistently. Replace `XXXX` with your key

Apart form /table and /schema, there is also support for the simple endpoints /info and /rate_limit.

Server Information

The /info endpoint gives and overview about the available languages on the server.

# A data frame: 2 × 2
  locale displayName
  <chr>  <chr>      
1 de     Deutsch    
2 en     English    

Rate Limits (Table)

The /rate_limit endpoint shows the number of calls to the /table endpoint that are remaining.

#> 83 / 100 (Resets at [10:52:14])

In this case, we see that 8 out of the 100 requests per hour have been used up and 92 are still available. The rate limit will be reset once per hour. In this case this will be at 2022-08-30 13:53:55. The entry under reset should always be less than one hour after the request to the /rate_limit endpoint was sent.

Rate Limits (Schema)

Schema requests are currently limited to 10000 requests per hour. The number of remaining requests can be obtained via sc_rate_limit_schema(). Rate limits are be returned in the same format as in sc_rate_limit_table().

#> 9996 / 10000 (Resets at [10:52:14])

Rate Limits from headers

All responses from the STATcube API contain rate limit information (including remaining requests) in the response headers1. So instead of using the /rate_limit* endpoints shown above, it is also possible to use responses from other endpoints and extract rate limit information from their headers.

The function sc_rate_limits() does just that. Any return value from sc_table(), sc_table_saved() and sc_table_custom() can be passed to sc_rate_limits() and the rate limits will be extracted from the response headers.

sc_example("population_timeseries.json") %>%
  sc_table() %>%
#> $schema
#> 9996 / 10000 (Resets at [10:52:14])
#> $table
#> 82 / 100 (Resets at [10:52:14])

Note that the function gives rate limits for /schama and /table even tough only the /table endpoint was used.

The function also works with return values from sc_schema() and friends.

#> $schema
#> 9996 / 10000 (Resets at [10:52:14])
#> $table
#> 82 / 100 (Resets at [10:52:14])

Server-Side Caching

STATcube uses caching for the /table endpoint by default. If the same request to sc_table() is sent several times, this will not count towards the rate-limit (100 requests per hour).

Server-Side caching of /table responses is currently disabled due to security reasons. Therefore, all requests against the /table endpoint count towards the rate-limit.