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Invoke the /schema endpoint of the STATcube REST API. This endpoint can be used to get all available databases and tables as well as metadata about specific databases.

The main function sc_schema() can be used with any resouce id. sc_schema_catalogue() and sc_schema_db() are very simple wrapper functions around sc_schema() and are comparabable to the catalogue explorer or the table view of the STATcube GUI.

The responses of the API are tree-like data structures which are wrapped into a class called sc_schema to simplify the usage in R.


sc_schema(id = NULL, depth = NULL, language = NULL, key = NULL, server = "ext")

# S3 method for sc_schema
print(x, tree = NULL, ..., limit = 30)

sc_schema_flatten(x, type)

  depth = "folder",
  language = c("en", "de"),
  key = NULL,
  server = "ext"

sc_schema_db(id, depth = "valueset", language = c("en", "de"), key = NULL)



A resource identifier in uid format. In case of sc_schema_db(), this should be a database id. For sc_schema() any resource-id (folder, measure, table, ...) is accepted.


If provided, the request will recurse into the given level. For datasets, available options are NULL (no recursion), "folder", "field" and "valueset". For the catalogue, only NULL and "folder" are applicable.


The language to be used for labeling. "en" or "de"


(string) An API key. To display your key, call sc_browse_preferences().


A STATcube API server. Defaults to the external Server via "ext". Other options are "red" for the editing server and "prod" for the production server. External users should always use the default option "ext".


an object of class sc_schema() i.e. the return value of sc_schema(), sc_schema_db() or sc_schema_catalogue().


wether to use the data.tree package for printing.

limit, ...

passed to data.tree::print.Node() if tree is set to TRUE. Ignored otherwise.


a schema type such as "DATABASE", "VALUE" or "TABLE". See the API reference for a list of all schema types.


  • sc_schema_flatten(): turns a sc_schema object into a data.frame

  • sc_schema_catalogue(): is similar to the catalogue explorer of the STATcube GUI and reurns a tree-type object containing all databases and tables.

  • sc_schema_db(): is similar to the table view of ths STATcube GUI and gives information about all measures and classification fields for a specific database

Printing with data.tree

limit and ... will simply be ignored if tree is set to FALSE, which is the default. The printing via data.tree can take longer than the default implementation because x will need to be converted into a data.tree node. To use data.tree printing permanently, use

options(STATcubeR.print_tree = TRUE)


my_catalogue <- sc_schema_catalogue()

## print
#> FOLDER: Extern V9
#> # A data frame: 6 × 3
#>   child                     type   n_childs
#>   <chr>                     <chr>     <int>
#> 1 Examples                  FOLDER        9
#> 2 Publications and services FOLDER        2
#> 3 Default Tables            FOLDER        0
#> 4 Statistics                FOLDER       20
#> 5 meineErsteTabelle         TABLE         0
#> 6 meineZweiteTabelle        TABLE         0

## access the parsed catalogue
my_catalogue$Statistics$`Labour Market`
#> FOLDER: Labour Market
#> # A data frame: 15 × 3
#>    child                                                type  n_childs
#>    <chr>                                                <chr>    <int>
#>  1 Job Seeker                                           FOLD…        0
#>  2 Labour Market Policy                                 FOLD…        0
#>  3 Working Time                                         FOLD…        0
#>  4 Selected Labour Market Indicators                    FOLD…        0
#>  5 Activity Status                                      FOLD…        0
#>  6 Employment                                           FOLD…        0
#>  7 Job Vacancies                                        FOLD…        4
#>  8 Working hours (Labour Force Survey)                  DATA…        0
#>  9 Austrian Micro census - Labour Force Survey Yearly … DATA…        0
#> 10 Austrian Micro census - Labour Force Survey Quarter… DATA…        0
#> 11 Mikrozensus-Zeitreihe ab 1974                        DATA…        0
#> 12 Standardtabelle / Default table (defaulttable_deake… TABLE        0
#> 13 Standardtabelle / Default table (defaulttable_deake… TABLE        0
#> 14 Standardtabelle / Default table (defaulttable_deake… TABLE        0
#> 15 Standardtabelle / Default table (defaulttable_deake… TABLE        0
my_catalogue$Statistics$`Labour Market`$`Working hours (Labour Force Survey)`
#> DATABASE: Working hours (Labour Force Survey)
#> # Get more info with `STATcubeR::sc_schema_db('str:database:deake005')` 

db_schema <- sc_schema_db("deake005")

# printing
#> DATABASE: Working hours (Labour Force Survey)
#> # A data frame: 8 × 3
#>   child                                type  n_childs
#>   <chr>                                <chr>    <int>
#> 1 Factors                              GROUP        9
#> 2 Datensätze/Records                   GROUP        1
#> 3 Time (mandatory field)               GROUP        1
#> 4 Demographic Characteristics          GROUP        8
#> 5 Employment Characteristics           GROUP        6
#> 6 Working Time                         GROUP        5
#> 7 Characteristics of second employment GROUP        6
#> 8 Geographic Characteristics           GROUP        1

# access child nodes
db_schema$`Demographic Characteristics`
#> GROUP: Demographic Characteristics
#> # A data frame: 8 × 3
#>   child                                                 type  n_childs
#>   <chr>                                                 <chr>    <int>
#> 1 Gender                                                FIELD        1
#> 2 Age in years-groups                                   FIELD        3
#> 3 Highest level of training completed (national classi… FIELD        2
#> 4 Highest level of training completed (ISCED 97)        FIELD        2
#> 5 Highest level of training completed (ISCED 2011)      FIELD        2
#> 6 Nationality                                           FIELD        2
#> 7 Country of birth                                      FIELD        2
#> 8 Migration background                                  FIELD        2
db_schema$`Demographic Characteristics`$Gender$Gender
#> VALUESET: Gender
#> # A data frame: 3 × 3
#>   child                type  n_childs
#>   <chr>                <chr>    <int>
#> 1 male                 VALUE        0
#> 2 female               VALUE        0
#> 3 Not classifiable <0> VALUE        0
db_schema$`Demographic Characteristics`$Gender$Gender$male
#> VALUE: male

# access the raw response from httr::GET()
my_response <- attr(db_schema, "response")
#> [1] "Thu, 18 Apr 2024 10:03:04 GMT"
my_content <- httr::content(my_response)
#> [1] "Working hours (Labour Force Survey)"

# print with data.tree
"str:group:deake005:X_B1" %>%
  sc_schema(depth = "valueset") %>%
  print(tree = TRUE)
#>                           levelName     type
#> 1  Demographic Characteristics         GROUP
#> 2   ¦--Gender                          FIELD
#> 3   ¦   °--Gender                   VALUESET
#> 4   ¦       ¦--male                    VALUE
#> 5   ¦       ¦--female                  VALUE
#> 6   ¦       °--Not classifiable <0>    VALUE
#> 7   ¦--Age in years-groups             FIELD
#> 8   ¦   ¦--Age in years-groups      VALUESET
#> 9   ¦   ¦   ¦--Under 15 years          VALUE
#> 10  ¦   ¦   ¦--15 to 19 years          VALUE
#> 11  ¦   ¦   ¦--20 to 24 years          VALUE
#> 12  ¦   ¦   ¦--25 to 29 years          VALUE
#> 13  ¦   ¦   ¦--30 to 34 years          VALUE
#> 14  ¦   ¦   ¦--35 to 39 years          VALUE
#> 15  ¦   ¦   ¦--40 to 44 years          VALUE
#> 16  ¦   ¦   ¦--45 to 49 years          VALUE
#> 17  ¦   ¦   ¦--50 to 54 years          VALUE
#> 18  ¦   ¦   ¦--55 to 59 years          VALUE
#> 19  ¦   ¦   ¦--60 to 64 years          VALUE
#> 20  ¦   ¦   ¦--65 to 69 years          VALUE
#> 21  ¦   ¦   ¦--70 to 74 years          VALUE
#> 22  ¦   ¦   ¦--75 years and older      VALUE
#> 23  ¦   ¦   °--Not classifiable <0>    VALUE
#> 24  ¦   ¦--Alter in Jahresgruppen   VALUESET
#> 25  ¦   ¦   ¦--Under 15 years          VALUE
#> 26  ¦   ¦   ¦--15 to 24 years          VALUE
#> 27  ¦   ¦   ¦--25 to 34 years          VALUE
#> 28  ¦   ¦   ¦--35 to 44 years          VALUE
#> 29  ¦   ¦   ¦--45 to 54 years          VALUE
#> 30  ¦   ¦   °--... 3 nodes w/ 0 sub         
#> 31  ¦   °--... 1 nodes w/ 6 sub             
#> 32  °--... 6 nodes w/ 80 sub