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Helper functions for caching and parsing resources.


od_cache_dir(dir = NULL)

od_cache_clear(id, server = "ext")

od_cache_file(id, suffix = NULL, timestamp = NULL, ..., server = "ext")

od_resource(id, suffix = NULL, timestamp = NULL, server = "ext")

od_json(id, timestamp = Sys.time() - 3600, server = "ext")

od_resource_all(id, json = od_json(id), server = "ext")



If NULL, the cache directory is returned. Otherwise, the cache directory will be updated to dir.


A database id


the OGD-Server to use to load update the resources in case they are outdated. "ext" for the external server (the default) od "red" for the editing server.


A suffix for the resource: "HEADER" or a field code.


A timestamp in POSIXct format. If provided, the cached resource will be updated if it is older than that value. Otherwise it will be downloaded only if it does not exist in the cache.


For internal use


The JSON file belonging to the dataset


For od_cache_file() and od_resource(), the returned objects contain a hidden attribute attr(., "od") about the time used for downloading and parsing the resource. od_resource_all() converts these hidden attribute into columns.


od_cache_clear(id) removes all files belonging to the specified id.

By default, downloaded json files will "expire" in one hour or 3600 seconds. That is, if a json is requested, it will be reused from the cache unless the file.mtime() is more than one hour behind Sys.time().


# get the current cache directory
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmptAUoM4/STATcubeR/open_data/"

# Get paths to cached files
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmptAUoM4/STATcubeR/open_data/OGD_veste309_Veste309_1.csv"
od_cache_file("OGD_veste309_Veste309_1", "C-A11-0")
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmptAUoM4/STATcubeR/open_data/OGD_veste309_Veste309_1_C-A11-0.csv"

# get a parsed verison of the resource
od_resource("OGD_veste309_Veste309_1", "C-A11-0")
#> # A data frame: 3 × 7
#>   code  label label_de  label_en  parent de_desc en_desc
#> * <chr> <chr> <chr>     <chr>     <fct>  <lgl>   <lgl>  
#> 1 A11-1 NA    insgesamt Sum total NA     NA      NA     
#> 2 A11-2 NA    männlich  Male      NA     NA      NA     
#> 3 A11-3 NA    weiblich  Female    NA     NA      NA     

# get json metadata about a dataset
#> Verdienststrukturerhebung 2018 Bruttostundenverdienste in EUR
#> nach Staatsangehörigkeit, Bundesland und
#> Beschäftigungsverhältnis
#> Verdienststruktur nach Geschlecht, Staatsangehörigkeit,
#> Bundesland und Beschäftigungsverhältnis
#> Measures: Arithmetisches Mittel, 1. Quartil, 2. Quartil (Median), 3.
#>   Quartil, Zahl d unselbst Beschäftigten
#> Fields: Geschlecht, Staatsangehörigkeit, Bundesland (NUTS 2), Form
#>   des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses
#> Updated: 2022-03-24 11:29:48
#> Tags: Staatsangehörigkeit, Bundesland, Beschäftigungsverhältnis
#> Categories: Arbeit, Bevölkerung

# Bundle all resources
#> # A data frame: 6 × 7
#>   name                 last_modified cached    size download parsed
#>   <chr>                <dttm>        <dttm>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 meta.json            2022-03-24    09:51:59  4931       NA  0.557
#> 2 data.csv             2022-03-24    09:51:59   516       NA  0.383
#> 3 OGD_veste309_Veste3… 2022-03-24    09:51:59   159       NA  0.401
#> 4 OGD_veste309_Veste3… 2022-03-24    09:52:00   697       NA  0.398
#> 5 OGD_veste309_Veste3… 2022-03-24    09:52:00   518       NA  0.357
#> 6 OGD_veste309_Veste3… 2022-03-24    09:52:00   641       NA  0.363
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: data <I<list>>