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##  Key could be verified via a test request
##  The provided key will be available for this R session
##  Add `STATCUBE_KEY_EXT = XXXX` to "~/.Renviron" to set the key
##   persistently. Replace `XXXX` with your key

This article explains how STATcubeR deals with situations where the communication with the STATcube REST API leads to exceptions such as error codes.

Throw all the Errors

All http errors codes from the REST API will be turned into R errors. More precisely, the following conditions are checked to determine wether a request to the STATcube API was successful

  • The response returns FALSE for httr::http_error() which means the response status is less than 400. See the MDN reference for more information about http status codes.
  • The content type of the response is “application/json”.

If at least one of those two conditions is not met, an error is thrown. This is different from the approach taken by other API clients, which will retry requests after certain timeouts or return an “error object”.

Get details about errors

If you encounter an error, you can get more details via sc_last_error() or sc_last_error_parsed(). This will return the (parsed) response object that triggered the error.

sc_info(key = "wrong key")
#> Error: Client error: (401) Unauthorized ...
sc_last_error_parsed() %>% str()

sc_last_error() returns the same response but in the format returned by httr::GET(). It is more flexible than sc_last_error_parsed() but requires you to parse the object yourself. See ?httr::content to and ?httr::headers to get started.

Common Errors

This section showcases the most common types of errors that you might encounter when interacting with the API. Please feel free to open a new issue on the STATcubeR issue tracker if you get an error which is not listed here.

Invalid API Key

If an invalid API key is used for a request, a 401 status is returned.

sc_info(key = "wrong key")

This example passes the API key as a parameter for simplicity. In practice, you should set up your key according to the API key article.

API Not Accessible

This occurs if STATcubeR tries to send requests to a server which is not accessible for the current environment. This will result in a timout error.

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : 
  Timeout was reached: [${server}] Resolving timed out after 10000 milliseconds

Outside of the Statistics Austria firewall, the only working base URL is the following.

#> [1] ""

Reasons this error might occur

  1. Your package Version of STATcubeR is outdated (version < 0.4.0)
  2. Your company uses a firewall that blocks API requests from leaving.
  3. You manually set the server parameter in one of the API functions (sc_table(), sc_schema(), …) to something other than "ext".
  4. (Statistics Austria Employees only) You downloaded a json request from one of our internal STATcube servers and try to use this request with sc_table() from outside.

Note to future-self: It might be a good idea to set up some environment variables on Statistic Austrias internal R servers to avoid (3) and (4).

Rate Limit Exceeded

If the rate limit for the amount of requests against the /table endpoint is exceeded, the following error will be shown.


If you encounter this error, please check if the rate limits are in fact a plauible reason by using sc_rate_limit_table(). Unfortunately, the response for exceeded rate limits is very generic and can not be differentiated from the response for invalid json-bodies (see below). This is why the error message lists two possible reasons.


Invalid URIs used with sc_schema will be displayed with a special error type SCHEMA_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND.


Saved Tables

As mentioned in the saved tables article, the function sc_table_saved() can only access default tables and tables that are saved under the current user. If an invalid table URI is passed, the server will respond with a status code of 400.


Invalid JSON

If a request against the /table endpoint uses an invalid URI in the json body, this will trigger a content-type error. To showcase this, sc_table() is used. However, invalid URIs that are used with sc_table_custom() will throw the same error.

readLines("request.json") %>% cat(sep = "\n")
  "database": "str:database:detouextregsai",
  "measures": [ "str:measure:detouextregsai:F-DATA1:INVALID" ],
  "dimensions": [[ "str:field:detouextregsai:F-DATA1:C-SDB_TIT-0" ]]

Unfortunately, the response for invalid json bodies is very generic and can not be differentiated from the response for exceeded rate limits (see above). This is why the error message lists two possible reasons.

If you encounter this error during the workflow described in the JSON requests article, it is very likely caused by exceeded rate limits. This is because json request that are downloaded by the STATcube GUI should always contain valid URIs. However, if you either modify the downloaded json requests or use sc_table_custom(), the reason “invalid json body” is plausible.

Custom Error Handling

If you want to use your own error-handling instead of the default STATcubeR error handlers, you can get started with the following code sample from one of our shiny applications.

shiny::observeEvent(input$button_load_data, {
  table <- try(STATcubeR::sc_table_saved(input$id))
  if (inherits(table, "try-error"))
    STATcubeR::sc_last_error_parsed() %>%
  else %>%

try() will turn errors into “error-objects” of class "try-error". A conditional is then used to perform different actions for successfull and unsccessfull requests. If an error occurs, the error details are fetched via sc_last_error_parsed() and then sent to an error handler. Otherwise, the return value from sc_table_saved() is processed by the success handler.