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Functions to inspect the contents of the current cache.


od_cache_summary(server = "ext")

od_downloads(server = "ext")



the OGD-Server to use. "ext" for the external server (the default) or "red" for the editing server


  • od_cache_summary() provides an overview of all contents of the cache through a data.frame. It has one row for each dataset and returns a data.frame with# the following columns in which all file sizes are given in bytes.

    • id the dataset id

    • updated the last modified time for ${id}.json

    • json the file size of ${id}.json

    • data the file size of ${id}.csv

    • header the file size of ${id}_HEADER.csv

    • fields the total file size of all files belonging to fields ({id}_C*.csv).

    • n_fields the number of field files

  • od_downloads() shows a download history for the current cache and returns a data.frame with the following columns:

    • time a timestamp for the download

    • file the filename

    • downloaded the download time in milliseconds


## make sure the cache is not empty
#> Cancer statistics by reporting year, province of residence and
#> localisation of cancer
#> Dataset: OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1 (
#> Measures: Number of records F-KRE
#> Fields: Tumore ICD/10 3-Steller <98>, Reporting year <40>, Province
#>   of residence <9>, Sex <2>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 09:51:50.595704]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0
#> Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) 2018 Gross hourly earnings
#> in EUR by citizenship, region (NUTS 2) and form of employment
#> Dataset: OGD_veste309_Veste309_1 (
#> Measures: Arithmetic mean, 1st quartile, 2nd quartile (median), 3rd
#>   quartile, Number of employees
#> Fields: Sex <3>, Citizenship <9>, Region (NUTS2) <10>, Form of
#>   employment <7>
#> Request: [2024-11-29 09:51:59.159953]
#> STATcubeR: 1.0.0

## inspect
#> # A data frame: 2 × 7
#>   id                    updated   json    data header fields n_fields
#>   <chr>                 <dttm>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <int>
#> 1 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1 09:51:51  3765 2828045    287   9955        4
#> 2 OGD_veste309_Veste3…  09:51:59  4062    4931    516   2015        4
#> # A data frame: 14 × 3
#>    time                file                                 downloaded
#>    <dttm>              <chr>                                     <dbl>
#>  1 2024-11-29 09:51:51 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1.json                1192.
#>  2 2024-11-29 09:51:58 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1.csv                 6361.
#>  3 2024-11-29 09:51:58 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1_HEADER.csv           173.
#>  4 2024-11-29 09:51:58 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1_C-TUM_ICD10_3…       172.
#>  5 2024-11-29 09:51:58 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1_C-BERJ-0.csv         172.
#>  6 2024-11-29 09:51:58 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1_C-BUNDESLAND-…       172.
#>  7 2024-11-29 09:51:59 OGD_krebs_ext_KREBS_1_C-KRE_GESCHLE…       173.
#>  8 2024-11-29 09:51:59 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1.json               174.
#>  9 2024-11-29 09:51:59 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1.csv                173.
#> 10 2024-11-29 09:51:59 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1_HEADER.csv         171.
#> 11 2024-11-29 09:51:59 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1_C-A11-0.csv        172.
#> 12 2024-11-29 09:52:00 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1_C-STAATS-0.…       171.
#> 13 2024-11-29 09:52:00 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1_C-VEBDL-0.c…       172.
#> 14 2024-11-29 09:52:00 OGD_veste309_Veste309_1_C-BESCHV-0.…       172.