Create a dummy dataset to be used for demonstrating the functionalities of the surveysd package based on laeken::eusilc. Please refer to the documentation page of the original data for details about the variables.

demo.eusilc(n = 8, prettyNames = FALSE)



Number of years to generate. Should be at least 1


Create easy-to-read names for certain variables. Recommended for demonstration purposes. Otherwise, use the original codes documented in laeken::eusilc.


If prettyNames is TRUE, the following variables will be available in an easy-to-read manner.

  • hid Household id. Consistent with respect to the reference period (year)

  • hsize Size of the household. derived from hid and period

  • region Federal state of austria where the household is located

  • pid Personal id. Consistent with respect to the reference period (year)

  • age Age-class of the respondent

  • gender A persons gender ("male", "Female")

  • ecoStat Ecnomic status ("part time", "full time", "unemployed", ...)

  • citizenship Citizenship ("AT", "EU", "other")

  • pWeight Personal sample weight inside the reference period

  • year. Simulated reference period

  • povertyRisk. Logical variable determining whether a respondent is at risk of poverty


demo.eusilc(n = 1, prettyNames = TRUE)[, c(1:8, 26, 28:30)]
#> hid hsize region pid age gender ecoStat citizenship #> 1: 1 (2,3] Tyrol 101 (25,45] female part time AT #> 2: 1 (2,3] Tyrol 102 (25,45] male full time Other #> 3: 1 (2,3] Tyrol 103 (-Inf,16] male <NA> <NA> #> 4: 2 (3,4] Tyrol 201 (25,45] female domestic AT #> 5: 2 (3,4] Tyrol 202 (25,45] male full time AT #> --- #> 14823: 5997 (3,4] Lower Austria 599704 (-Inf,16] female education AT #> 14824: 5998 (0,1] Upper Austria 599801 (25,45] female full time AT #> 14825: 5999 (0,1] Tyrol 599901 (25,45] male full time AT #> 14826: 6000 (1,2] Tyrol 600001 (45,65] male full time AT #> 14827: 6000 (1,2] Tyrol 600002 (45,65] female disabled AT #> eqIncome pWeight year povertyRisk #> 1: 16090.69 504.5696 2010 FALSE #> 2: 16090.69 504.5696 2010 FALSE #> 3: 16090.69 504.5696 2010 FALSE #> 4: 27076.24 493.3824 2010 FALSE #> 5: 27076.24 493.3824 2010 FALSE #> --- #> 14823: 26508.20 556.4260 2010 FALSE #> 14824: 14387.41 643.2557 2010 FALSE #> 14825: 14805.83 679.7288 2010 FALSE #> 14826: 16288.30 567.1544 2010 FALSE #> 14827: 16288.30 567.1544 2010 FALSE